First American Home Warranty – Property Tips For Natural Disasters

Home Insurance

 Natural disasters can be devastating to a property owner and whilst we can never really see them coming with much warning, many know whether or not they live in an area which is susceptible to such events. Whether it is fires in California or hurricanes in Florida, a home can easily be damaged by such events so it is important to ensure that the hatches are fully battened up. If you do live in such an area, here is what you can do by way of protection.


The first thing the experts will tell you is to seek out both good insurance and home warranty such as that from First American Home Warranty. The insurance will cover the structural damage done to the property and the possessions inside it, and the warranty will cover the systems within the property such as plumbing, electrics and HVAC systems. When shopping around be sure to compare different plans, check reviews and make sure that you get great customer service. Buyers of these policies are the ones who are most protected should the worst occur.


If you are in an earthquake zone then no matter how often they come it is vital that you take steps to minimize the damage. In terms of the structure it should be guaranteed by construction firms up to an earthquake of at least 8.0. Within the property you should take steps to be sure that things won’t fall such as your TV and possessions inside cabinets, so that they don’t fall and break in the event of a quake.


Hurricanes can batter houses and cause untold damage which is why it is important to do all you can to protect it. Installing a strong garage door is a heat idea here, using hurricane straps to secure the property and protect the integrity of the structure and look to use hurricane shutters to protect windows and doors. Roof tiles can cause damage to homes and to people if they fly off so you should also look to ensure that your roof is fit for such an event.


The only real advice for those who are living in an area which is prone to wildfires is to clear an exclusion zone around the building. What you are doing here is moving any objects, debris or foliage which could catch fire and cause your home to light up as a result. The ground itself cannot catch fire so if you are able to make a long exclusion zone outside of the home then you should be able to keep the area safe.

If you are in any doubt around what else you can do to ensure that your property is protected from these perils then research online, speak with your local government or even neighbors to find out what they do in securing their property. Spending money now will save you big time later on down the line.