8 Tips for Creating Catchy and Clickable Blog Post Titles

A blog post title is one of the most important aspects of your blog post. It’s what will get people to click on it and read your content.

Therefore, if you want more traffic, creating a catchy headline that can generate clicks is key.

In this guide, we’ll show you how to write the perfect blog post titles for every type of blog post, from list posts to in-depth tutorials.

1. Take Advantage of Popular Trends

One of the easiest ways to make a blog post title catchy and clickable is by tapping into popular trends.

If your content goes along with what’s trending on social media, then you will be able to attract more readers.

For example, if there’s an upcoming holiday or event that people are talking about on Twitter and Facebook (e.g., New Year’s Eve), then this would be perfect for writing a blog post.

All you have to do is search Google Trends for related keywords so that you know which direction to go in when creating a headline.

2. Make Sure to Use Primary Keywords

One of the most effective blog post title ideas is making sure you’re always using a primary keyword.

Primary keywords are the words and phrases that people will type into search engines when trying to find related content.

Therefore, if your headline contains these types of words or phrases, then it can increase traffic organically by getting picked up in search engine results pages (SERPs).

3. Create the Hype

Your blog post title should be persuasive and enticing to readers.

This can easily happen if you create the right amount of hype by using words like “surprising”, “shocking”, or “amazing”.

For example, let’s say that your blog is related to weight loss advice. You could write a headline such as: “What This Firefighter Did Will Literally Make Your Jaw Drop!”

As you can see, this creates an air of excitement so people will want to click on it immediately.

However, don’t push too far because this may upset potential customers who feel bombarded with ads after viewing your content.

4. Rely on Existing SEO Data

Another helpful tip is to rely on existing SEO data.

Specifically, you should look at keywords that have a high number of monthly searches and low levels of competition according to the Google Keyword Planner.

If a keyword or phrase has a high search volume but there aren’t many competitors trying to rank for it, then creating content around this can be profitable.

For example, let’s say your blog post title consists of “how-to” phrases. In this case, you could use Google Keyword Planner in order to see which related terms are searched most often every month (e.g., “how to make slime”).

5. Create Blog Titles Centered On Lists

The next strategy is to create blog titles that are list-based.

Lists make great headlines because they can easily give readers an idea of what the content includes without having to read the actual post itself.

For instance, if you write a list like “20 Secrets That Will Make You Richer”, then people will immediately know whether or not the article appeals to them before even clicking on it.

Not only does this keep your audience intrigued and wanting more information (since they’re curious about these 20 secrets), but it also generates traffic since there’s already interest in numbers.

6. Add Your Own Personal Touch

Even though lists are great for creating catchy blog titles, you shouldn’t rely on them too much.

Instead, be sure to add your own personal touch by including unique one-of-a-kind phrases that people won’t expect.

For example, let’s say that you run a travel blog and want to write an article about how to get cheap flights out of the country.

You could try writing something like: “How I Got Out of My Comfort Zone and Took An Epic Trip For Less Than $500”.

7. Engage in a Debate

Another great strategy is to get people engaged in a debate.

This may seem counter-intuitive, but studies have shown that blog posts which spark controversy are linked with higher levels of traffic than those that don’t generate any buzz at all.

For example, let’s say you want to write about how getting tattoos as an adult is still acceptable if they have meaningful designs and meanings behind them. You could try posting something like: “Getting Tattoos As An Adult Is Still Cool: Here’s Why”.

Attention-grabbing titles such as these can help your content spread through social media sites since people tend to share posts with similar opinions or beliefs.

This may not be true for every audience out there (some would prefer reading clickbait articles rather than ones that spark debate), but most audiences crave information instead of simply being entertained by catchy headlines.

8. Always Use Power Words

Next, be sure to use power words.

Power words are adjectives that create an emotional response in the reader through excitement (e.g., shocking), disgust (e.g., offensive), or fear (e.g., terrorism).

You should make it a habit of including at least one power word within your blog title because they can help you generate more traffic and conversions than titles without them would normally do. For example: “Social Media Can Be Hazardous for Your Health: Here’s Why”.

As you can see, this headline uses multiple power words throughout its length which makes people want to click on it immediately instead of scrolling past it due to boredom or lack of interest.

9. Use a Headline Analyzer Tool

Last but not least, it’s always a good idea to use headline analyzer tools.

These types of tools can help you come up with the best possible blog post title that your audience will love and want to share instantly.

They may be useful for new bloggers who don’t know where to start when creating content titles, or even veteran marketers who just need some inspiration on what direction they should take their posts in order to boost traffic and conversions.

Want to Create Better Blog Post Titles?

The importance of blog post titles is now clear. If you need help creating the best blog post titles for your website, continue reading our blog to learn more.